Thursday, September 10, 2009

my understanding of the C.G.A , M.oC.A, and A.S.A (New Zealand)

Consumers Guarantee Act

· Consumers are protected by the Consumers Guarantee Act because the are given fair trading except in private sales i.e. auctions, garage sales.

· Goods and services must be sold at a fair price, based on a pricing formula agreed by the provider and consumer before the sale.

· If the good or service is faulty or does not live up to its claimed purpose then the consumer is allowed a full refund or an unfaulty replacement IF the consumer did not know prior to the sale that the good was faulty. This applies even if the provider has a sign saying no refunds.

Ministry of Consumer Affairs

· The Ministry of Consumer Affairs are responsible for the Consumers Guarantee Act and take care of any problems raised related to the Act.

Advertising Standards Authority

· The Advertising Standards Authority makes sure that the commercials and informercials advertising goods or services are appropriate to be displayed in media i.e. television, radio.

· Any complaints about any advertising material are handled by the ASCB, and they check if the advertisement is breaching the ASA’s advertising rules/code. If so, they request that the advertisement be withdrawn from all media.

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